Florida’s Future
Depends on ICUF
The Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) represents 30 Florida-based, not-for-profit, SACS-accredited institutions of higher education.
Unlike public institutions, ICUF schools don’t receive operational subsidies from the state of Florida. This gives them the freedom to offer unique educational programs for students seeking degrees. More choices mean more opportunities.
Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) is a student voucher that provides tuition assistance to Florida students attending independent colleges and universities. It enables students to make the right choice for their future, and more choices means more opportunities.
Without EASE vouchers, many students cannot afford tuition. Tell your elected officials, EASE is essential to Florida’s future.

Florida’s Future Depends on You
Given the severe financial losses many have experienced this year as a result of COVID-19, tuition assistance for Florida students is more important than ever. Improving access to college is key to Florida’s economic recovery and future prosperity.
Contact your legislator today and ask them to fully fund the EASE voucher.